Saturday, September 11, 2010

Module 2 Reflections

I organised my blog as part of Module 2, and look forward to using it as part of the preparation for and ongoing discussion of the ULearn conference, as well as this course.

I first used a blog with a Year 10 English class in 2007.  The students and I enjoyed it and found it quite valuable.  Based on that experience,  I think that blogs as a learning tool can be successful if there is some structure around the nature and number of the entries expected.  Similar to what has been set up here in the Web 2.0 course.  I also found it useful to encourage students to ask questions of each other.

Currently at SCCVC, I have tried to have students use blogs, but so far to more limited success.  I think what is needed is more consistent reference to them, and greater purpose for their use communicated by me to the students.  Students also need to be challenged and encouraged to move beyond the 'me' focus which I think is characteristic of their use/ experience of Web 2.0.  It's an age and stage thing too - they need to be helped to feel more confident in and motivated to discuss things which are 'beyond them' and perhaps relatively abstract.  To share and discuss ideas, in other words.

Until next time................

Module 1 Reflections

At long last I have set myself aside some time to begin this course!  I think that the resources provided in Module 1 created a very effective overview of what is available in the Web 2.0 world for educators.  In particular I found the site, Easy 2.0 Pieces to be very clear and effective in its layout and offerings.  In my role this would be a very useful resource to which I could direct staff.

It was also good to get my Google Account up and running, as I know that there is a world of resources here to be exploited.  As part of my preparation for the ULearn conference in Christchurch next month, it will be good to become more familiar with some of these tools.  I've heard and spoken with others about many of them, but starting substantially now on this course will force me to actually put some things in practice and explore them in some detail.  Nothing like a little pressure to get moving!