Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Module 9

I have previously had a look at each of these tools, but have not made much use of them, primarily for reasons of time availability and inclination.  On reflection, I can see that they each have much to offer educators, in different ways.

Scootle is obviously a very valuable planning tool for organising and sharing resources, and the established learning paths and sites provided are an excellent platform for anyone to leap from.  Particularly in a learning environment such as ours , such a resource is a great way of ensuring quality and supporting each other to manage our workloads - everyone knows how time consuming it can be to trawl through the internet trying to find 'the perfect' site or resource.

I can theoretically see the appeal of Second Life, particularly given the gaming experiences of some of our students.  Not knowing much (make that anything at all!) about what is actually involved in creating and managing such environments, I would have to say that I won't be rushing to use this as a tool, as it seems to be very complicated!

Hearing about Matt Ryan's positive experiences of using Twitter has reinvigorated my desire to explore this option.  I've also recently spoken with a colleague who is planning to use a Twitter-style form of feedback at an upcoming professional development day - I'll be interested to hear how that goes, as the immediacy of group feedback is obviously very powerful, as evidenced in the use of Twitter on tv shows these days.

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